
Universal Movement for Scientific Responsibility

Where Paris (France), following Symposium on Biology and the Future of Many When 24 September 1974 Who Mouvement Universel de la Responsabilité Scientifique Follow up Manifeste des Madères (2018)

Conference of Punta del Este

Where Conference of Punta Del Este When 1991 Who The Club of Rome

Conference of Helsinki

Where Conference on Security and Co-operation in Europe held in Helsinki, Finland When 30 July – 1 August 1975 Who 35 participating states, European countries (except Albania and semi-sovereign Andorra) as well as United States, URSS and Canada complete document

Nairobi Declaration

Where Nairobi, Kenya When 2-4 May 1990 Who Participant to The International Conference on Global Warming and Climatic Change complete document

Stockholm Declaration on the Human Environment

Where United Nations Conference on the Environment in Stockholm When 1972 Who United Nations complete document

World Charter for Nature

Where UN General Assembly (37th sess. : 1982-1983) When October 28, 1982 Who United Nations complete document

Caring for the Earth

When 1991 Who United Nations Environment Programme – International Union for Conservation of Nature – World Wide Fund For Nature complete document

World Scientist Warning to Humanity

When 1992 Who Written by Henry W. Kendall and signed by about 1,700 leading scientists Follow up November 2017: 15,364 scientists signed World Scientists’ Warning to Humanity November, 2019: more than 11,000 scientists from 153 countries named climate change an “emergency” that would lead to “untold human suffering” if no big shifts in action takes